From a cosmical point of view you are a drop in the ocean, with that your description as human is more than exhausted.
However, in your earthly existence:
... for some you are a morning dew on a summer morning, giving freshness,
... for some you are a drop, who mingles in the water of the lake, blending in with the other drops of water,
... for some you are the drop that disturbs the smooth mirror of the lake and creates microwaves that turn into big waves,
... for some you are the drop that is waited for longe, like the blessing in the hot desert,
... for some you are a course that ruins their day,
... for some you are the drop that brings rainbow,
... for some one drop from you is more than enough,
... for some, an entire sea would not be enough,
... to some you are sweet, to others bitter, and to others sour or even neutral,
... there are those who would dry you up and there are those who would water with you, there are those who would like you to become mist,
... there are those who see spring rain in you, which means resources, and there are those who see the flood in you,
But you are the same drop and that's fine. How others see you also depends on how you relate to others, but it is also influenced by the lens through which others look. Lenses can and do distort in many cases.
The point is to be just yourself. The purpose of our existence on earth should not be to surrender to compulsion to comply, but rather to learn when to absorb useful raindrops that fall on you and when to repel heavy drops. I know it's often a difficult task, but this is the only way to avoid being carried away by the flood of hostility, as there is no such state that you could please everyone.
