Meeting our challenges, step by step.

My past days were about chasing winter sports, more exactly about skiing. Since the other members of my family took their skiing skills to a level that is quite enjoyable, after a few years of self-convincing work, I gave up my feeling of security and replaced it with the unpredictable, unstable, slippery, insecure feeling of standing on skis, continuously hearing in my head I might get hurt, I might hurt someone. Some people need a teacher, with a lot of practice for others it is something naturally. If we don't try, we don't even know if we are capable of something, but if we want to be successful in something right away, we might fail quite easily. One day we can only stand on the skis, the next day we can only try one basic step, the day after we can start descending on the starting slope, descending one meter higher each time, then, building on our small successes, we dare to go to the top of the slope after a certain time. Is it not the same in everyday life? Who doesn't want to be successful? I'm not necessarily thinking of work here, although that may be the first thought that comes to your mind, but there are so many areas and so many roles in which we want to be successful. To be successful in life is a too general concept.
It doesn't matter what area of our life we think about, if we think it will go right away, we can fall flat on our face. However, if we don't start immediately on the red-marked track, our failure will be smaller. Smaller slope, smaller fall. We might get be continuously chased for a while by fear of getting hurt and fear of hurting someone. It is possible, indeed, that many of us will never get to the top of a red-marked track. The point is that wherever you reach, you feel safe and proud of yourself because you got there by yourself. Because you might have been helped by an instructor, but the skis were on your feet, you had to learn to control them. In life, real instructors are falls and mistakes. Instructors can show strategies, but no strategy is universal, you have to add your own style, willpower. Strategy alone will not lead to success. It has zero value. You have to add yourself. You can overcome your obstacles when you are ready. It can also happen that you live your life without ever starting to look into the eyes of your challenges. You can take a serious look at your challenges if you are ready. After all, you can sit on the sidelines, all your life observing how others slide easily. But there are moments in everyone's life when just curiosity drives you, and that moment can be grabbed. If such moments come into your life, you must grab the opportunity. The first step is curiosity. If you think that the one who slides down is not afraid, then you are very wrong. Dialogue takes place in everyone's head, what is the course like, are there bumps on it, I don't know the course, am I strong enough physically, am I strong enough mentally. With practice, they can come over their fears. We can set our minds. Although our life is our own race, we don't have do something because that is expected, the point is to reach a level that is comfortable, that doesn't require effort, no matter in what field. It is true that in order to progress, we need to go beyond our comfort zone, it is not recommended to go beyond the interval that represents your own maximum, because your existing resources will not support the exceeding. If you fall, get up, the worst strategy is to give up after your first few attempts. Try a different path, a different strategy, try harder, move slower, trust yourself, but never give up. Experiment, never have negative feelings about being a beginner. As long as you live, there will always be areas in which you will be a beginner. However, if you start something, it means that you have acted, moved in some direction. If you now think that it was about skiing, yes, I wrote also about skiing, but forget the concept of skiing and think about your life, your aspirations and read it again. Step by step...