The Creative Power of DOING NOTHING

Daily routine can bury creativity and passion.
We are so used to the variety of constant stimuli that when you are finally given the opportunity to rest and do nothing, you don’t feel comfortable.
Doing nothing is very useful especially after a stressful period.
Last week, I stepped out of my routine and went on a holiday and allowed myself to do nothing.
I have to say, I was very confused at the beginning, it made me feel guilty, it also seemed boring that I wouldn't do anything useful for five days. My inner belief just echoed; everyone must be useful as human being is about being useful to the world.
Yes, that is true, if we consider our life purpose. But should it be every day, every moment?
Sure, it's a nice idea to save the world, but BURN-OUT slaps you in the face.
I gave myself over to boredom, to doing nothing, I just looked out of my head. Do you know what happened after a while? My thoughts began to fall into place, the feelings began to line up with my thoughts, order began to set.
During the settling phase, brain clicking has a protective role. Such idle periods are very necessary to maintain inner balance. Because deep inside, that's when big things happen.
Paradoxical, isn't it? You can re-evaluate and evaluate past while there are no distractors. This can only happen when you turn yourself off. It's okay if it doesn't happen immediately, just take your time and slow down.
It doesn't have to last for months, you just need to introduce such intervals periodically, with time making part of your life.
Find a time when you can do this, it could be one evening on one of the days of the week, it could be at the end of a month, or just when you feel that what is around you is too much.
Create a little harmony within yourself by giving yourself the gift of ME TIME- today, tomorrow, next week, next month, at all. You will be pleasantly surprised by your inner voice and can’t imagine how powerful you are when you get back.