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What can you see on the picture? A scale, with a box on it. It has an exact weight. How easy it would be if we could weight exactly how much we worth. It is not that simple. So, the same, box, that can represent ourselves, with all of our values in it can measure different weights, it is always a matter of our very subjective situations.

Inner talk is one of the handful techniques that one can use in order to weight in certain situations. Life always brings different situations that challenge us, everyday dramas, comedies, melodramas force us to weight and decide having out weighted values in mind.

One of such delicate and not comfortable situations has put me recently in the position to weight and identify my value. I had to put the question, how much I worth? How much do my values worth for others?

In case I missed to answer my question, and did not get a reevaluation of my worth, I would have got in the situation that others used, even though they didn’t do intentionally, in this way getting lost in our workplace, relationships, everyday shifts.

Once a situation forces you to reevaluate yourself, you conscientize that probably you don’t feel appreciated, because on the first hand you don’t appreciate yourself enough.

Far too many time you might feel that no matter how much you do and how much you try to reach on of your dream objectives, there are always obstacles and challenges that stop you.

Have you ever wondered, that it is because you are not prepared yet?

You can thank to your inner talk, if you realize that some problems cannot be solved by you, that you just cannot change some systems, you can thank yourself if succeeded to reevaluate your value and that gives you enough power to say NO, to explain people that you feel terribly bad of being treated badly and you don’t want to play a game that does not fit in your value system.

It is never too late to reevaluate yourself, as only this way you can begin to appreciate yourself, in order to be appreciated by others, too.

You are good enough, the fact that others don’t see it, that is a totally other story!


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